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Humorist.  Novelist.  Scapegoat.

About Linda: 


I enjoy typewriters, tech gadgets, crocheting, air conditioning, cats, guinea pigs, semi-tame squirrels, meandering around Sam's Club looking for huge vats of salsa, and anything else that lends a grand sense of bold adventure to my life. 

  • Writer's pictureLinda M Au

The mighty Author Tent for Beaver County BookFest arises skyward today on Market Street in downtown Beaver, Pa. The greatest book festival in the state kicks off tomorrow night (Sept. 8) at 7 p.m. with an all-female author panel Q&A discussing all aspects of the writing craft and business. It's a fundraiser for a local school library, so come on out and enjoy food, beverages (adult and otherwise), and fun while helping a great cause.

Then, Saturday, Sept. 8, the main event runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a free admission festival, with food vendors, other book-related retail vendors, and, of course, the more than five dozen authors inside the aforementioned big Author Tent.

My copies of Train of Thought: Travel Essays from a One-Track Mind showed up on my porch yesterday, and as of today it's also available on Amazon. So now I can breathe easily. Along with copies of my four other books, I'm now officially ready for BookFest!

By Sunday afternoon, I'll be ready to collapse... much like this tent will do at about the same time. Come see it while it's still set up!

(top photo, credit Valentine Brkich, )

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  • Writer's pictureLinda M Au let it be done.

And done it is. Train of Thought: Travel Essays from a One-Track Mind is being printed even as I type this. The first copies will be ready in time for Beaver County BookFest on Sept. 8–9. That's right around when I'll also make them available on Amazon.

The last week is a complete blur. Most of what I was doing the past few weeks involved getting the book ready. Because I have a long history in prepress work, I do my own interior typesetting for my books. I love it, but it takes a lot of time to build a book from scratch. Every font. Every image. Every header, every subhead. On every page. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

Anyway, this past week or so is a flurry of activity where I worked at my desk, ate at my desk, and got hyped up on caffeine at my desk.

And let's just say my house is full of evidence that I've been living at my desk. Every room. Every dirty dish. Every undusted surface. Every uncleaned bathroom. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

So now, in the two weeks till BookFest, I'll climb away from the desk and wade through the debris field known as my house, so I can tidy up a little bit. But as I look around at the state of every room in this house—plus the overgrown yard outside—all I can say is this:

Please, Lord, don't let anyone visit me till sometime in 2019.

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  • Writer's pictureLinda M Au

Deadlines are often my mortal enemies. They hate me, and rightly so. I taunt them. I brush up against them in annoyingly familiar ways. I tell them their father was a hamster and their mother smelled of elderberries.

This behavior doesn't make them go away. In fact, they seem to loom larger the more I harass them. They are angry, bitter little beasts that don't appreciate my behavior in their presence. You see, I'm a procrastinator. Always have been. Was late for my own birth, and I've perfected the skill in the ensuing years. I had to run for the bus an unprecedented number of times during my school years. I had to stay up late in college the night before a paper was due. I left for work thirty seconds later than it would take the average person to get there. It's almost like I don't hear the clock ticking until the deadline is breathing down my neck.

Deadlines love this behavior. They start taking bets on me, that I'll falter and miss the deadline this time. Sometimes they've thrown my self-imposed, internal deadlines at me as signs that I'll likely miss a real deadline currently before me. But they don't understand that I know the difference between a random, self-imposed deadline and a real, can't-change-the-date deadline. I know because I routinely conquer the latter while allowing myself way too much slack on the former.

The proposed September release for my upcoming cross-country train trip book, Train of Thought, was a target date for my Indiegogo backers. I chose that month based on what seemed reasonable once I got home from my trip in mid-May. Setting the date with a month—but no specific date—gave me more than four weeks of leeway to keep that rather flexible, self-imposed deadline.

Meanwhile, the deadline demons know how crazy my summers are and were giggling with glee that this time they would win. What they failed to factor in was Beaver County BookFest on September 9. There was no way I was going to sit at a third BookFest table in a row with the same four books for sale. I needed a new book this year.

Add a real deadline I cannot change onto my self-imposed deadline and you've got one determined writer. Once I am up against a wall I cannot tear down, I always scale it just in time. Always. I procrastinate until the adrenaline kicks in, and then I dash ahead. The deadline demons keep forgetting that I have more than a half century of practice at this. Don't try this at home, kids. I'm a professional.

They will never win.

I have approximately ten days to finish this book (including layout, which is already in place) in order to have physical copies here before September 9. That's plenty of time, as long as I don't clean the house or have a social life or get heroic with dinner prep for the next week and a half. Which is standard operating procedure around here even when I'm not on a deadline.

So, if you see me on social media sites at all over the next ten days, it's only because I need to remind myself that the real world is still out there and hasn't been nuked into oblivion by some little nutjob halfway around the world. Because that's about the only thing that's going to stop me from meeting this deadline.

Take that, deadline demons.

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